Sunday, January 18, 2015

Change Your Vision... Change Your Life

My love for photography changed my vision of what I wanted my life to look like. About 17 years ago I had just had a baby and was going through a separation, which quickly turned into a divorce. As I started my new life with my son by my side, I found myself becoming obsessed with my surroundings. As my mind was playing back all the things that had and still were hurting me, my eyes were taking in the smiles of my son, the sunny days at the park, the animals that made us laugh at the zoo, the comforting faces of the people who care and loved me, the couples walking hand in hand on the boardwalk, the strong women in my life who constantly inspired me to work hard and play hard....etc.

Seventeen years later, it's clear to me, how my vision changed my life. Focusing on all the love, humor, and beauty life had in front of me, allowed me to enjoy and appreciate every day and look forward to my future. I wanted my life to be filled with all those things, I not only wanted, but DESERVED. As I go through all my photos and videos, I noticed that many of the moments that were captured were not only of people, but of trees, the ocean, birds, architecture, and landscapes. These are all the things that bring me tranquility and happiness.

I now encourage my clients to go out into the world and capture whatever makes them happy. By focusing on happiness, they will attract happiness. Changing their vision will change their life!

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