Google the word introvert, and I can bet you the word "shy" will show up somewhere. Shy? Really? I consider myself to be an introvert and I am the furthest from being shy. Ask anyone who knows me, and they'll tell you I'm the extremely outgoing and friendly. So, why do I consider myself an introvert.
On any given day, I'd rather spend time reading a book, taking a walk, riding my bike, out taking photos, or visiting a museum alone, than to be in any crowded environment. It's not that I'm shy or unsocial, because I love people and love being around people. I enjoy talking, listening, and laughing with others...I just seem to be more fulfilled when I'm not in a crowd.
My life, and the people in my life have all benefited from the moments I've spent with myself. These moments have allowed me to re-energize, follow up and catch up with what's going on in my own life. How many of you can agree, when I say...too much time and energy is spent following up, catching up, just to see what's going on in other people's lives?
Being by myself allows me to do whatever I want...and I love it! I've spent too many years waiting on others to clear their schedule, in order for me to enjoy my life. Today, I can honestly tell you how much I love to get up and go, wherever and whenever I want to, and not have to wait for others to fulfill my day.
Do you consider yourself to be an introvert?
How have you benefited from spending moments with yourself?
What added value are you able to share with others?
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