Thursday, December 31, 2015

Goodbye 2015!!!!

As 2015 comes to an end, ask yourself these questions....

How many of my goals have I achieved?

In what ways did I take care of my health?

Who were the supportive people in my life, and why?

What accomplishments am I most proud of?

What acts of kindness have I practiced?

Which people have inspired me?

How many things can I check off from my bucket list?

When was I fearless?

How will I make 2016 a year to remember?

A Life Coach can help....

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Couple's Coaching - Reconnecting Relationships


When there is a disconnect in a relationship, shutting down emotionally, mentally, and physically begins to happen. Drifting further and further apart, couples eventually call it quits and go their separate ways. Even worse, most couple's stay and remain miserable.

Before calling it quits, ask yourself these questions.

Do I want to work it out?

Have I been clearly communicating my wants and needs to my partner?

Have I been fully hearing and listening to my partner's wants and needs?

What part of my relationship's disconnect was in my control?

What part of my relationship's disconnect was out of my control?

Can I honestly say I've been giving this relationship my all?

If separation/divorce is the answer, what will my life look like without my partner in it?

Do I have the courage to begin the process of separation/divorce?

Do I have the courage to begin the process of seeking couple's coaching?

What is the end result I'm looking for?

Couple's coaching can prevent separation and divorce from happening, as well as preventing you from staying in an unhappy relationship for the rest of your life. If you feel as if you've tried everything in your power to make your relationship work, couple's coaching can be the last step towards making your final decision. Having a certified, trained, experienced professional coach to step in can be the answer you've both been looking for.

A Life & Relationship Coach can help.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Imagine an endless road full of successful women, and each woman has a gift they can give you. These gifts contain words of encouragement, love and compassion that will heal any open wound, and tools and techniques you can use to conquer anything that's blocking your way. 

Now, imagine another endless road full of women, and each woman has their story, heavy baggage, pain, jealousy, and promises of never having your back when you need her. These women would love nothing more than to see you fail. They don't want to hear your dreams, see you happy, or have you move on from a painful experience. These women are still stuck in their own pain. 

Unfortunately, both types of women really do exist. Fortunately, we have a choice as to which group of women we want to be like and surround ourselves with. What kind of woman are you? What kind of women do you choose to surround yourself with? Imagine being one of the successful woman who can support another woman in need...what tools can you give her? What words of encouragement can you give her, if she questions her capabilities?

There's nothing more empowering than to have other successful women listen and encourage you to follow your dreams, point out all your strengths, and give you tools you can use throughout your journey. 

Choose to be one of the many successful women, supporting other women.  

A Life Coach can help.

Thursday, October 8, 2015


We all have fact, we make choices every single day, as soon as our eyes open. Each morning, we choose what outfit we're going to wear, what we're going to have for breakfast, how we're going to do our hair, etc. These are simple choices we get to choose, each morning, that can set the tone for our day.

Now, imagine, on a bigger scale, if you took advantage of all the other choices you have in your life. How much fun will that be? What will your life look like, if you chose everything and anything that  will make you happy?

Choices are precious gifts we're fortunate to have. Our intuition, which is also a precious gift, guides us, when picking the right choices to lead us in the direction to our happiness. It's just a matter of listening to your gut, getting clear on what you want, and trusting you're making the right choices for yourself. There's NEVER a need to ask anyone to make choices for you. When you do this, you're putting your destiny into someone else's hands...and we all know how that's going to work's not!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Educational Lessons From Our Life Experiences

Some of you, in fact, most of you don't know that for a couple of years, I had my very own dog treat business. It was called, "Puppy Personal". I baked all natural, personalized dog treats in any shape, size, and flavor.

I used to refer to it as a "side business".  Yet, looking back today, that "side business" ended up being an educational lesson that prepared me for bigger and greater things I have going on with my career today. That "side business" taught me how to sell, research and market a product, work at public events, create a website, use my creativity, meet other entrepreneurs and cheer one another on, learn NOT to take "I'm not interested" personally, and build more and more confidence along the way.

There I was, years ago, baking away for my business!

If I had listened to all the people who; thought I was crazy to start up a dog treat company out of my home, thought I was going about it all the wrong way and wouldn't make a profit, thought I was wasting my time and energy, or gave me every bit of advice as to how THEY would do it...than I wouldn't have had what I need today to keep my Life & Relationship Coaching business moving forward in the right direction.

What ideas have you been carrying around with you, not knowing how to make them a reality?

What will motivate you to take your first step forward?

What thoughts, or comments, from others have been holding you back?

How will you know when you are ready to begin?

A Life Coach can help.

Monday, September 21, 2015

 Finding Your Passion

Most of us shrug our shoulders when we're asked what we're passionate about. This is not a "trick" question, yet it's difficult for most of us to answer? 

What are we drawn to? What makes our head turn and look twice? What are we watching that keeps us from changing the channel on our t.v.? When we're in a book store, what section do we walk towards? The answers to these questions are all clues to what we're passionate about...and it doesn't have to be just "one" thing, it can be many things!

Once we know what we are passionate about, we can dive deeper and enjoy more of what we love....orrrrrrr.... perhaps, even make a career out of it. (Wink!)

A life coach can help. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

So what...I'm Not Perfect!!!!

About a month ago, I hit send on my monthly newsletter, which gets distributed to hundreds of women. I always send myself a copy, so I can pop it up and see what it looks like to everyone who's viewing it. So, out it goes, and my newsletter pops into my email.

As I begin reading it, with a smile on my face, my eyes pop out of my head. OH NO! My opening paragraph has NOTHING to do with the rest of my post! I had made a few changes while I was giving my finishing touches, and forgot to change the opening paragraph to reflect those changes. UGH!!!!!!!!

I immediately froze, and could literally feel my body burning up with embarrassment. Of course, you knows what comes next...all the negative thoughts, words, and feelings come to me.

"You see, you rushed your work, once again!"

"Everyone's going to read this and not know what the heck you're talking about!"

"Who's going to want to continue reading your monthly newsletters?"

The voices kept shouting..."Blah! Blah! Blah!"...Until I finally told myself to STOP! I was being mean to myself, bullying myself, and creating unnecessary anxiety, with all the nonsense I was telling myself.

I've learned, through the years, that all my mistakes, big or small, have always prepared me for bigger and better things in my future. If it weren't for our mistakes, how will we learn, grow, create, and better ourselves?

Next time you're beating yourself up for a mistake you have made, stop yourself, and use that energy to think of ways how you can improve it for the future.

A Life Coach can help you.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Nursery School, Kindergarten, Middle School, High School...Suny New Paltz School of Business! WTF

High School Graduation Party, June 28, 2015

The years flew by, and before I knew it, he was applying for colleges, renting a tux for his senior prom, and ordering his cap and gown for graduation. Wow, my little boy is now in his first semester at SUNY New Paltz...accepted into their Business School, no less! His hard work and dedication gave him this opportunity, and I'm so excited to see what the future holds for him.

This is one of my favorite pictures from his graduation party. Ray would say, "Of course it is, mom, because you're in it! " LOL This time, that's not the case. LOL It's my favorite, because of so many other reasons than that. To start, we are laughing! Laughter sums up our whole relationship. When I look back at all the years raising this little guy, all I can remember is laughing with him. Honestly, we found humor in everything. I have a smile on my face, just thinking of all the things we've laughed about...and still laugh at today. 

I also love this picture, because it's so candid. Raising him as a single mother, our days were not planned. We didn't stress about how perfect our day or weekend was going to be...we just got up and went, had fun, and enjoyed all the things the day brought us. Those were moments I would do all over again, and never change a thing! We were creative and never bored. 

One more thing I'll mention about this photo, which brings tears to my eyes, is to be able to physically see how close we've stayed with one another. Just look at how he still reaches out to put his arm around me. May not seem that big of a deal to others, but we all know some teenagers who don't even want to pose for a picture standing next to their parent. I will never take any sign of affection from him for granted. Whether it's a hug, a kiss, a text, or a phone call from him, I consider them all precious gifts and will take whatever he gives me!!!! :) 

So, he's now at college, and my heart is filled with even more love and wishes for an even brighter future for him. My husband and I have this whole house to ourselves. We are enjoying our time alone together, but it's quiet with out Ray around every day. Actually, I'm more quiet without Ray around every day. LOL I didn't realize how many times I called his name; asking him if he wanted breakfast, telling him I'm running out for a bit, knocking on his door to ask if I can come in, or shouting out when it's dinner time. LOL Yep, it's an adjustment with my little boy being away in college, but the text, phone calls, emails, hugs and kisses from him will be even sweeter to receive!!!! Life is good!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

We all have a comfort zone. A place where we are familiar, surrounded by a sense of security. Our comfort zone can help us stay true to who we are...staying balanced and centered...allowing us to live within our means. Sounds like a nice place to stay, doesn't it? For some, yes, but for the rest of us who want more out of life, we will have to take a step out into the uncomfortable every once in a while.

Think of a moment in your life when you stayed in your comfort zone, instead of taking a chance. What kept you in your comfort zone? Was it motivation, fear, lack of experience, or finances?

What if you did take that chance? What would your life look like today? Where would you be? Describe what you would be feeling? Who would be with you?

It's important to understand that each time we leave our comfort zone, we realize that what's on the other side isn't as scary as we thought!

Friday, January 30, 2015

Benefits From Being An Introvert

Google the word introvert, and I can bet you the word "shy" will show up somewhere. Shy? Really? I consider myself to be an introvert and I am the furthest from being shy. Ask anyone who knows me, and they'll tell you I'm the extremely outgoing and friendly. So, why do I consider myself an introvert.

On any given day, I'd rather spend time reading a book, taking a walk, riding my bike, out taking photos, or visiting a museum alone, than to be in any crowded environment. It's not that I'm shy or unsocial, because I love people and love being around people. I enjoy talking, listening, and laughing with others...I just seem to be more fulfilled when I'm not in a crowd.

My life, and the people in my life have all benefited from the moments I've spent with myself. These moments have allowed me to re-energize, follow up and catch up with what's going on in my own life. How many of you can agree, when I say...too much time and energy is spent following up, catching up, just to see what's going on in other people's lives?

Being by myself allows me to do whatever I want...and I love it! I've spent too many years waiting on others to clear their schedule, in order for me to enjoy my life. Today, I can honestly tell you how much I love to get up and go, wherever and whenever I want to, and not have to wait for others to fulfill my day.

Do you consider yourself to be an introvert?

How have you benefited from spending moments with yourself?

What added value are you able to share with others?

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

When It's Meant To Be...You Will Answer

When it's meant to will answer!

In my past there were moments when my insecurities got the best of me and I've missed out on major opportunities. Afterwards, I would beat myself up for not having enough confidence to grab what was in front of me.

Sitting in mediation one day, it came to me... I realized that it wasn't the confidence I was lacking, it was the experience, maturity, and growth I still needed, in order to have been able to accept new challenges. Listen to your intuition. You will know when you are ready. You will jump, when your moment is NOW! When an opportunity knocks, don't be so quick to say, "Yes", when you're not feeling it in your gut. Instead, say, "Thanks, but I'm waiting for an opportunity, much bigger, to come along!' You will know what opportunities to grab, and which ones to pass along for someone else to have that chance.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, January 25, 2015

You Are Woman!

Women are strong, powerful human beings. Never underestimate what a woman can do...and never undervalue her worth by what she can't do. You see, a strong woman will find her way. She will use tools and resources to guide her, as she creates a world she wants. She will have no regrets, because she sees everything as a blessing and added value to her life. She is sensitive, loving, loyal and kind and protective of her values. Never cross her, because she will fight long and hard for happiness. She is woman...YOU are woman!

Now go, get out into the world, and be someone you want to be.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Change Your Vision... Change Your Life

My love for photography changed my vision of what I wanted my life to look like. About 17 years ago I had just had a baby and was going through a separation, which quickly turned into a divorce. As I started my new life with my son by my side, I found myself becoming obsessed with my surroundings. As my mind was playing back all the things that had and still were hurting me, my eyes were taking in the smiles of my son, the sunny days at the park, the animals that made us laugh at the zoo, the comforting faces of the people who care and loved me, the couples walking hand in hand on the boardwalk, the strong women in my life who constantly inspired me to work hard and play hard....etc.

Seventeen years later, it's clear to me, how my vision changed my life. Focusing on all the love, humor, and beauty life had in front of me, allowed me to enjoy and appreciate every day and look forward to my future. I wanted my life to be filled with all those things, I not only wanted, but DESERVED. As I go through all my photos and videos, I noticed that many of the moments that were captured were not only of people, but of trees, the ocean, birds, architecture, and landscapes. These are all the things that bring me tranquility and happiness.

I now encourage my clients to go out into the world and capture whatever makes them happy. By focusing on happiness, they will attract happiness. Changing their vision will change their life!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

New Year Resolutions...Blah! Blah! Blah!

Every year we create a resolution list for the New Year....

1. Join a gym
2. Eat more vegetables
3. Avoid sugar
4. Drink more water
5. Etc......

Looks like a list of goals that are achievable, right? Wrong! Here's what's wrong with this list, it's not specific enough! When a goal is not SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely), we tend to give up and continue with our ways...and that's one of the reasons why they're on our New Year's Resolution list EVERY year.

Below is a list I worked on with my client for their New Year's Resolution. With more details added, see how more desirable it is to achieve their goals in 2015.

"I'm going to join a gym on January 1, 2015. My goal is to loose 10 pounds by March 31, 2015. I'm going to do this by exercising 1 hour a day, three days a week at my gym. I am going to add a side dish of vegetables with every meal at dinner, and avoid dessert all together. I will hydrate myself by starting my every morning with a glass of water, and drinking 5 to 6 glasses throughout the day, every day, before I go to bed."