Thursday, December 18, 2014

Sending Your Child Off To College

It's that time in a senior's life where they're waiting to hear from all the colleges they've applied for. This is a very exciting and anxious time for both the teenagers and the parents. For the teenagers, they've waited a long time for all their hard work to pay off, in order to be accepted into a school of their dream...and for the parents, this is a huge milestone and you couldn't be more proud for your child! So, why are you both feeling anxious, scared, angry, happy, and ecstatic all at the same time?

Ask yourself some questions...

What emotions arise when I think of the day my child goes off to college?

Have I expressed my thoughts and concerns with my child about their safety around campus?

Have I asked, and fully listened, to any thoughts, concerns, or questions my child has about being on their own, away from home?

What "one" thing can I do to allow this experience to be a happy and exciting for both myself and my child?

What do I need to hear from my child, to reassure myself I have given him/her all the tools and resources they need when they are away at college?

The first step in organizing your emotions, is clearing away the unresolved thoughts and concerns that are haunting you. As you check off the things that are no longer a concern to you, you can focus on any last loving advice or support you may want to share with your child. This deeper communication, which is about the love and excitement you have for your child, will be the moment you both will want to remember before they are off and on their own.

This is a time to be excited, happy, and proud of all that we've done to be able to send our children off to college. This is also a time to create new relationships with them that will only grow stronger as the years go by.

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