Sunday, June 22, 2014

Happiness At Work...Does That Even Exist?

Did you know that the happiness you can have at work every day is in your control?

Describe the most fun day you had at work. What made that day different than any other day? 

Like most of us, there are days where you just dread going to work. You don't mind doing the work that's waiting for you on your desk and your boss is actually a really cool manager. So, what is it? 

If you are working in an office, it's usually the daily routine that becomes boring. You arrive at work, put your belongings away, grab your empty cup and ask if anyone else wants to get coffee with you, you both drag your tired bodies over to the coffee maker, usually one person complains about their morning commute or the load of work they have waiting on their desk for them, and then you're back at your desk to start your day. Now, why would you be in a blah mood? lol

So, how can you change your morning up a bit and enjoy the day ahead of you? You can't always depend on others to bring some light into the office. You can put a smile on your own face, by creating your own happiness. How about stopping to grab a coffee before your commute to work. That always put me in a good mood. There's something about standing in line at a coffee shop with people alike, smelling the freshly brewed coffee, reading all the different types of tea on the board, and eyeing down the muffins behind the counter. If this doesn't entice you, why not ask another coworker to join the both of you on your way towards the coffee maker in the office. Pick someone who always makes you laugh, whether in meetings, company events, or in passing through the office. I'm sure they will have a funny story to tell you that will have you laughing all the way back to your desk.

I'm telling you, laughter works! When one person tells a funny story, it will have you thinking of a funny story to add to it. That's the type of energy you want to have in the office. It's not all fun and games, I get that, but telling funny stories, adding funny comments, making funny gestures, even funny sounds, you will see how contagious someones giggle can be. Before you know it, you're laughing while you're working. 

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