Thursday, June 26, 2014

You Can Hear In Complete Silence

How comfortable are you with silence? Take a moment, find a space, and quiet your mind. You'll be amazed as to how much you can hear in complete silence.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

What Blocks Communication?

There are four things that can block communication between two people. By avoiding these four things, you will see how opportunities for positive change begin to happen.

1) Judging people because their morals or values are not the same as ours can cause a block. "How can I communicate with someone I don't agree with? So, I won't."

To open communication, you can say,"I don't necessarily agree with her, but I want to listen and then give my own views on the subject."

2) Comparing people who you feel to be better than you or beneath you. "She's the owner of the company. Who am I to tell her that she did the math wrong on the report? I'm not going to say anything."

To open communication, you can say, "you may want to re-check your calculations before sending the report out. I came up with different amounts."

3) Denial of our responsibility in how we are feeling and blaming others for how we are reacting. "You're always making me feel as if I'm a terrible person to be around."

To open communication, you can say, "Hearing you say that makes me feel sad, because I'm getting the feeling that you don't want to be around me as much." Wait for their response...I bet their not going to say you're a terrible person to be around.

4) Communicating our desires as demands. "I can't believe you're going to play golf again this Sunday!"

To open communication, you can say, "I'm disappointed that you made plans for golf this Sunday, because I was hoping we can go see a movie and grab dinner"

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Building Your Dream Today!

If you become intimidated by your own dream and start to feel like it will take too much work to handle, ask yourself, "What is too much work for me?" Take a moment and answer this question.

Now, create a list of what you feel you can handle and what you feel you can't handle.

                        Can Handle                                                            Can't Handle

Then go back to your list of Can't Handles and right down what other options you have that will enable you to handle it. Now move that over to your Can Handle column. Quickly, you will realize how much you are able to handle, and be less intimidated to go after your dream!

Happiness At Work...Does That Even Exist?

Did you know that the happiness you can have at work every day is in your control?

Describe the most fun day you had at work. What made that day different than any other day? 

Like most of us, there are days where you just dread going to work. You don't mind doing the work that's waiting for you on your desk and your boss is actually a really cool manager. So, what is it? 

If you are working in an office, it's usually the daily routine that becomes boring. You arrive at work, put your belongings away, grab your empty cup and ask if anyone else wants to get coffee with you, you both drag your tired bodies over to the coffee maker, usually one person complains about their morning commute or the load of work they have waiting on their desk for them, and then you're back at your desk to start your day. Now, why would you be in a blah mood? lol

So, how can you change your morning up a bit and enjoy the day ahead of you? You can't always depend on others to bring some light into the office. You can put a smile on your own face, by creating your own happiness. How about stopping to grab a coffee before your commute to work. That always put me in a good mood. There's something about standing in line at a coffee shop with people alike, smelling the freshly brewed coffee, reading all the different types of tea on the board, and eyeing down the muffins behind the counter. If this doesn't entice you, why not ask another coworker to join the both of you on your way towards the coffee maker in the office. Pick someone who always makes you laugh, whether in meetings, company events, or in passing through the office. I'm sure they will have a funny story to tell you that will have you laughing all the way back to your desk.

I'm telling you, laughter works! When one person tells a funny story, it will have you thinking of a funny story to add to it. That's the type of energy you want to have in the office. It's not all fun and games, I get that, but telling funny stories, adding funny comments, making funny gestures, even funny sounds, you will see how contagious someones giggle can be. Before you know it, you're laughing while you're working. 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Who Will Support You?

I can honestly tell you that having a great support system from my family and friends has given me the love, laughter, and strength I needed to get to where I am today.

Choose your support system wisely. You want to be around people who have the strength to hold you high enough for you to reach your goals....not the weak ones that will drop you and watch you fall.

If There Were No Judgement, What Would You Be Doing?

I'm sitting here journaling and asked myself this question:

What would I do if I knew no one would judge me? 

I know what I would be doing, what would you be doing?  What, one, two, or three things would YOU do if you knew you were free of judgement, humiliation, and self doubt? How far would you take yourself? What will you bring? What will you be wearing? Who would you take with you? 

Take Nothing For Granted


Share Your Happiness!

Why keep your dreams/visions/plans/goals only to yourself? Share them with the people who support you! Be specific enough to give them the exact vision you have and watch the excitement on their face. Their happiness for you will be another motivator and reason for you to make it happen. 
When you have to worry about any of your girlfriends becoming upset, jealous or angry whenever you share your happiness with them, you may want to consider getting new girlfriends to share your time with...or you may want to save it and share it with your "friend". There's a difference between girlfriends and friends. When you want to go out for dinner or drinks, you will want to call a couple of your girlfriends. When you want to grab a cup of coffee, go for a walk, or go shopping with, you will want to call your "friend". A friend wants to hear every detail of your happiness. They want to be there to support you every step of the way. 

Know who your girlfriends are and know who your true "friends" are, and there will be no more confusion when you share your dreams and don't get the reaction you were expecting.

For The Love of Your Children, COMMUNICATE!

For the love of your children, learn how to communicate with your ex. There's nothing more painful to a child than to witness the constant arguing that goes back and forth between their parents. Stop, take a breath, and chew your words. Any questions or concerns you want to discuss with you ex can be discussed when your child isn't around. When using your energy towards making your child feel loved during their pick up and drop offs, by giving them hugs and kisses and kind words towards their parent they are about to spend time with, you are making it a positive experience and showing how much you love them!

Are You Being Bullied as an Adult, By an Adult?

Bullies come in all shapes, sizes, and AGES! As adults we use other names to described them. We tolerate their behavior for many reasons; to keep the peace, need that promotion, fear of speaking up and loosing our job!

What coworker, manager, boss, etc is making it extremely difficult to do your work and give 100% of yourself on a daily basis?

Know When to Let Go!

When you know something or someone in your life is unhealthy or unproductive, that you have grown beyond where they are and where they want to keep you, you must let go. If you tell yourself you do not see it when you do, or if you tell yourself it will get better, you are not being honest with yourself. Stop trying to fix things or change things. Simply let go.

Open That Door!

Since it's a fact that every door opens, stop using the word "stuck" as an excuse. You may have to pull, tug, or have others help you...eventually it will open.  What is holding you back from pushing that door open? Have you thought about how your life will look like in 5 years when you do walk through that door? Too many women regret not pursuing what they wanted in life. Are you one of those women? What step can you make today, that will move you towards what you always wanted?

Friday, June 13, 2014

How Do You Handle a Girlfriend Who Dominates The Conversation

How do you handle a girlfriend who is always dominating the conversation? Most of us have been in this situation, and I can tell you from experience that it can be very annoying! It's almost as if there is no social awareness on their part that they're even doing it. You start to say something and you're immediately cut off or they try to finish your sentence. After a couple of tries, you usually just give up and allow them to continue, nodding your head every once in a while to make it look like they still have your attention. 

The truth is, people who dominate conversations, who like to be center of attention, who demand to be heard, are usually the ones who can't handle someone telling them to "take a breathe"! They are usually the ones who are appalled that you would have the audacity to interrupt them and "embarrass" them like that. They have no social awareness of what they were even doing to cause you to jump in and say something.

So, how do you handle a girlfriend who dominates the conversation? It's simple, politely excuse yourself and tell her you want to add something. As soon as she chimes in, immediately tell her that you're not finished with what you have to say. As soon as she attempts to chime in again, you repeat exactly what you just said to her, "I'm not finished with what I have to say." This may have to be repeated a couple of times throughout your time spent with her. Hopefully she will get the hint and learn to stop talking when you have something to input. As funny as this sounds, you are literally re-programming her to respond differently when others are speaking.

When all else fails and she is not responding well to your requests to speak or seems annoyed because she cannot sit quiet and listen, then the next time she asks you to spend time with her, turn down her invitation. Your time is valuable! Why share it with someone who doesn't care enough to hear what's new in your life, how your family is doing, or how your business is going? It's okay to say no. Often we are too quick to say yes when asked to do something with someone else. Think of how and who you want to spend your time with. Spend it with people who add value and are excited to hear about what's going on in your life.


Thursday, June 12, 2014

Stepping Stones

Each step you take towards a goal, is a step closer to your goal. We often become flustered when we think of the amount of steps it will take to get us where we want to be. When we take one step at a time, the pressure lessens and the journey towards our goal becomes more enjoyable.

How can you create a more enjoyable experience as you reach for your goals?