Have you ever had those mornings where you just want to curl yourself into a ball and hide from the world? You may not even know why you're feeling this way! Everything great is going for you and you're having no issues at work...you're just having a bad day.
Well, you're not alone! It's our intuitive thoughts telling us that we need a little "attention", that's all. Perhaps we are just bored, doing the same routine day after day, after day. So, if you're getting ready for work and in a blah mood, try dressing up a little more than you normally do. Put those earrings on that you only wear out on the weekends or put your makeup on differently. Even taking a different route to work to change up the scenery can make a world of a difference with your ride to work. Trust me! This is coming from my experience! :)
These little tricks will turn any rainy day into sunshine.
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