Monday, February 8, 2016

The Perfect Valentine's Day Looks Like...?

What does the perfect Valentine's Day look like to you?  I bet we all have similar pictures in our minds as to what we envision the perfect Valentine's Day to look like....lots of flowers, delicious expensive chocolates, being showered with gifts, sipping bubbling champagne, enjoying fun cocktails, and an unforgettable romantic dinner at your favorite restaurant. 

When we have detailed expectations as to how we want Valentine's Day to look like, we may be setting ourselves up for disappointment. What if the flowers he bought you, this year, were not your favorite flower, the chocolates were bought at a local convenient store, he couldn't book the restaurant you wanted, and throughout your whole evening there wasn't a bottle of bubbling champagne waiting for you? What would that Valentine's Day look like to you? Does it look like a disaster or a welcoming change from the usual Valentine's Days you plan every year? 

Each year, for different reasons, there are so many women who are disappointed after Valentine's Day. Here's the thing, we may not have control over everything we've envisioned our Valentine's Day to look like, but what we do have control over is how we can welcome and enjoy the unexpected. 


Choose to have fun no matter what. 

Accept any gift as a form of love.

Show appreciation.

Enjoy and be in the moment.

A Life Coach can help.

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