Thursday, September 25, 2014

Shhhhhh! Listen To Yourself

Are you listening to all the signs your intuition is giving you? What are you feeling? What are you hearing?

Most women ignore the inner messages they're recieving. A pounding heart, sweaty palms, even stomach aches are pushed aside for many reasons, usually to benefit other people. A high percentage of women are people pleasers. People pleasers put others first, while they take the back seat. There's absolutley nothing wrong with wanting to make another person feel good, when you're feeling happy and excited doing so. However, when you can actually hear the voice in your head telling you, "I don't want to do this!" or "I don't want to stay here!".... why are you ignoring it and continue doing or living a life you don't really want?

The next time someone puts you in a position you are physically or emotionally uncomfortable with, ask yourself these questions...

1) What am I benefiting or gaining by doing this them?
2) How am I going to feel while I'm doing it?
3) How am I going to feel once it's over?
4) What thoughts and emotions immediately came to me, as I was asked to do this?

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