Monday, July 7, 2014

I've Learned To Communite With My Clients In Order To Build A Stronger Relationship With Them

Even as a Certified Professionally trained Coach, with a BS in Psychology, I learned how to communicate with my clients in order to create a stronger relationship with them.

The more I coach women, the more I'm realizing how the word "change" may not be the word most want to hear...especially for those who have been stagnant for so long. For whatever reason, it starts off as an empowering word that describes what they want to do in order to achieve what they want, and soon turns into a word that sends chills up their spine with fear.

Communicating by using different words and phrases always makes a positive shift. Saying things like, "What can you do that's in your control right now?" or "Which strength do you want to use this week to pull you through?" puts the power back into their hands...rather than thinking there's something wrong with who they are or where they are, and asking women to make a change.

When wanting to communicate with family, friends, a spouse, or coworkers choose words that are empowering! You can learn more by contacting me at

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