Thursday, February 27, 2014

Do Coaches Accept Insurance?

Coaches are always being asked the question, "Do you accept insurance?"  The answer is no.  I cannot speak for other states, but as of today, there are no insurance companies that cover coaching in New York.  The reason being is that coaching is not State regulated.

When looking for coaching, you may stumble across some psychologists or therapists that advertise for coaching in their practice.  You may think, "Bingo! I found a Coach that takes insurance!"  Well, I'm going to have to stop you right there and tell you that therapy and coaching are not the same.  I'll repeat...therapy and coaching are NOT the same!

Unless that psychologist or therapist can show you their Certification from an Accredited School of the ICF, which proves that they are properly trained and qualified to call themselves a Coach, you will not be receiving any type of coaching from them.  So, please do your research and be 100% certain that the psychologist or therapist you are about to see is Certified as a Coach and will be coaching you and not giving you therapy.  

Since more and more people are aware of the amazing results people are getting from having a Coach, both psychologists and therapists now want to incorporate that into their practice.  Again, psychologists and therapists can indeed have a coaching practice...just do your research before running over to someone who says they will gladly cover your coaching with your insurance.  Like I said, coaching is not covered by an insurance.

Coaching is a mastered technique that deals with issues in real time and helps people move forward.  Coaches are highly trained professionals, who have spent thousands of dollars on their coaching education, and have a lifetime committment to be involved in other events and educational opportunities in order to keep up with their Certification.  All this, to assure that clients are in the right hands.  That is one way to justify what most Coaches charge.  We take pride in what we do and go above and beyond to stick to our high standards we have for our profession.  

Preparing For College....UGH!

This is it! The time has come for us to start taking our son around to visit some colleges.  I never thought I was going to be one of those moms that were so overwhelming, controlling, and annoying that their own child does everything in their power to avoid having contact with them...but I have! I keep questioning him as to what he wants to major in...and then I find myself asking him a couple more times if he's sure that's what he wants to major in.  I've been scheduling college tours to colleges that aren't even in his list to go see, I'm comparing each school to make sure he'll be attending a great college, and I'm even checking out other school where he may (or I may LOL) want to attend for grad school.

When was the last time you've sat down and researched the cost of tuition for college?  If you're around my age, that's somewhere around 25 years ago!!!! Yeah, I said it...25 years ago!  Well, tuition has gone quite a bit up since then, and they're not running any "sales" anytime soon.  The average yearly tuition for St. John's University is $36,450 a year...add on $13,000 for room and multiply that by 4 years and that's a whopping $197,800!  I can't speak for anyone else's child, but I can tell you that my child does not have $197,800....or even a job at the moment.

So, what's a mother to do?  Do I spend countless hours planning out my sons future or do I take a step back and allow him to do the research, and come to me when he wants guidance?

As a mother, I can speak for most mothers when I say that intuitively we know when we need to back off and when we need to step up for our child.  I believe in my heart that my son is going to succeed in everything he does in life.  He's an "A" student, has always been on the honor roll, did very well on his SAT exam, and he has an idea as to what major he may want to get into when he starts applying for colleges.  So why am I so obsessed in his search for colleges?

As a coach it is easy for me to see that this has something to do with me and not our son.  Although I did go to college after high school, I didn't choose a career that I loved.  Most of us didn't.  I also chose a local college, which didn't give me the opportunity to live on my own and experience campus life.  Later in life when I chose to change my degree so I can have the career that I've always wanted, I had a lot of things to take into consideration, as an adult, before I made the financial decision to go back.  With all this being said, I want our son to experience all the fun college life has to offer, make memories and friends to last a lifetime, and to be so happy with his career choice!!!!!  In other words, not make the mistakes I made.

Ugh, that's a lot of pressure I'm putting on myself...and I'm sure I'm not the only mother doing it.  The thing is, we all had to make choices in life and some may not have been the best! lol I can sit here all day and think of 1,000 ways we could have done things differently...but it's a total waste of time and energy, because those choices that I made years ago, whether poor or not, lead me to where and who I am today...and I'm totally happy with my life!!!!  My son's life is HIS life and not mine.  I need to trust that he will pick a college that right for him, make smart choices with who he associates with in college, and will know what career path will make him want to get up for work every day to make a difference.

Preparing and sending our children off to college doesn't have to be chaotic.  We want to enjoy this experience together with them and yes, it is possible.  Every time you find yourself getting a little crazy like I was, stop and breathe, recognize why you're feeling the way you are and switch it around to make it about your child and not you.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Can't Wait Till Spring!

Just saw this photo on Instagram and now I can't wait to ride my bike again!

What do you do for exercise and to quiet your mind?

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Message From My Morning Tea

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